SEO tips for new Website

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I as a web consultant offer variety of web and mobile related services, more often I interact with new prospects over phone specially from Pune, Mumbai and nearby region and they ask for a website and they also have a very low budget for the website designing and forget about SEO budget. I feel every website deserve a basic search engine optimization.
SEO (Search Engine Optimization) may be a very simple to understand but it is really complex to understand how really it makes the result. Well, I don’t want to get into the debate to explore how it really works but rather I want tot focus how it can be beneficial for small businesses and newly launched website.
Small or new website owner who are not much tech savvy failed to understand it’s importance and and hardly set any budget for that and many a times I being a SEO consultant find it difficult to make client understand how it can be very beneficial for your businesses. While SEO is an ongoing process for any website to remain competitive in their business niche and require some healthy budget, However there are some basics and vital SEO fundamental points that you can accomplish for the under budget SEO project which can set the long run foundation of your website.
Top 10 SEO Tips for New Website
- Develop responsive, fast and secure SEO friendly website.
- Setup Google webmaster, Analytics tools.
- Develop a blog on your website so you can post content most frequently.
- Submit sitemap to Google webmaster for efficient crawling.
- List your business on Google my business listing.
- Optimize well the Google my business listing with concise and accurate details, link your website and update posts i.e. offers, photos, events etc. more often.
- Content is the king you must have heard this phrase thousands of times no matter how old the phrase is Content is the real king be it text, image, gif animations, audio or videos.
- Put original website writeup for your website.
- Put the meta tags and description tag in order on header of every web page.
- Give alt tag to images and caption it as well.
The todo list of SEO can not sum up in just 10 points but these are really basics helpful SEO points that can really be very useful in longer run and setting the foundation for SEO.
In case you are looking to avail web related services i.e. web designing, seo, development and marketing etc. please contact me.