TinaCMS - A serverless visual editor

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I am a big fan of Serverless tech stack and Jamstack website designing and development. When I get work for website development the first thing in the web technological stack that comes to my mind is to develop the new website in modern Javascript frameworks like React, Vue or Angular.
TinaCMS is a visual editor based on React which helps you to edit Nextjs powered web pages very easily and efficiently and most importantly you can edit pages in serverless environment either with or without a serverside database.
Markdown editing is super cool in TinaCMS.
It also offers the flexibility to define your UI blocks that you can define and later reuse in your pages it's quite simple and powerful.
With the help of serverless visual editors like Tinacms, editing a website frontend page becomes so easy for my client.
Recently TinaCMS also started offering a cloud-based dashboard responsible for authenticating the users on the website which ease the process of creating, managing and authenticating users.
Are you looking to have a serverless website powered by Tinacms? please contact.